Directions: Travel 94 miles to Besh Ba Gowah by taking Shea Blvd through Fountain Hills, turning right onto US-87 S. Stay straight until AZ 202 E, and turn left. Travel along the AZ 202E until exit 30A - US 60 E towards Globe. Travel along US-60 E until you see the exit towards historical downtown Globe to Broad St. and St. Jesse Hayes Rd. The historical site and museum is located at 1324 S Jesse Hayes Rd, Globe, AZ 85501
About the Site and Museum: This historical site is well worth the visit. The museum contains many relics found as archeologists have explored and cataloged this location.

At one time, this long pathway was a tunnel leading to the main building with tall walls and a roof. Can you imagine what that felt like walking through a dark tunnel?

The tunnel led into a large courtyard where ceremonies were performed. They did find burial plots of what appeared to be those of high-ranking officials in the community.

Many of the buildings were closed off, but you could walk through this one to get a feel for living inside these structures.

You could even make out hand prints where they padded the clay onto the walls centuries ago.
Inside you could find some pottery and woven basket replicas.

On the outside, it's easy to identify this was a two-story structure from the joist sticking out of the wall. They even built windows on each side to look out for any danger creeping up on them.
It's incredible how much work is involved in excavating a site of this magnitude. The archeologists left part of the area in its natural state to give you a perspective of how everything returns to nature over time.

The cacti bloom beautifully amongst the unexplored ruins. Silently they wait for history to uncover their secrets or allow it to remain silence by the shifting sands of time.

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